Saturday, February 11, 2012

Demonic Species-Demons-Religion

   So, I haven't been writing as much so I thought I'd post my new 'discorvery' from within my self. I was just listening to Numa Numa, no joke, and it popped into my head, the Demon species should have a religion and I'll make one for every species! So here's how the Demon species religion 'began' and it's main gods.

  The Demon religion, Zaterax, s based after main seven gods, or the first seven demons every created. They are the demonic gods of water, air, earth, metal, wood, fire, and lightning. It is said when the world (Their world of Zentra) was born, they were too. They are too watch over their world and keep a check on the elements.

Demonic God of Water:
  Vespera was the first god born to the world when it was covered in water. She enjoyed the quick life quite a bit, but soon became lonely. She began talking to the only large element around her, air. Her need for friendship was so great that the elements itself became personified into another demon god. This was the 'birth' of the newer elements.

Demonic God of Air:
  Avial was the second born to the world and became quick friends with Vespera. Their friendship was deep, but soon became deeper as they feel in love. Together they raised the mucky earth from the bottom of the sea and the earth god Flax was born, but he was frail and weak. So Avial gathered matter from the little aways off into space he could reach, and brought it down to his son. Thus the twins Andrax and Taneka were born, to help support their frail, but growing stronger brother.

Demonic God of Earth:
  Flax was the third to be born to the world. With is twin brother and sister, they made a sturdy group who held each other together. He and Andrax were lovers till the lightning god Zavialix came, and he now is in love with Photon, but still retains feelings for Andrax.

Demonic God of Metal:
  Andrax was the fourth to be born. He is silent, and only talks to two of his family,Photon and Zavialix. He is distant to the rest of his family, but does care for them. He is loyal to his family, and would do anything to protect Flax and Zavialix.

Demonic God of Wood:
  Taneka was the fifth to be born, she is the most beautiful and quiet of them all. She was close only to her father, mother, and eldest brother. She never talks to her win, Andrax, for he is good friends with Photon, and hurt Flax deeply. She is the mother of Zavialix, and refuses to talk to the father, Photon because of what he did to her.

Demonic God of Fire:
  Photon was the sixth to be born when a star exploded and raw energy passed by Zentra. Avial grabbed some of the energy and harden Flax some more, and to warm the planet, thus Photon was born. He soon fell in love with Taneka, but she refused him. Enraged an incapable of controlling his emotions, he struck her with a force so great, a new element was born, Zavialix. Taneka left, left unconscious, Photon took the chance to raped her.

Demonic God of Lightning:
  Zavialix was the last god to be born. He parents are polar opposites of each other. She is outgoing, but fears her power may hurt the ones she loves. She soon befriended Andrax, her uncle, for he was no scared of her power. he soon feel in love with him, even knowing he was with Flax, and when he confessed his feelings for her, she refused to believe him. She did everything to keep him back, fearing what happened to her mother may happen to her, but her power was just absorbed by Andrax and he embraced her. The two became lovers soon after that.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Art, art, and art.

A pendant I made, special thanks to my mom with her resin skills.

One of the two gifts for my girlfriend this valentines day.

The other is all done, but I finished it late at night so I didn't take pictures of it finished.