Wednesday, April 4, 2012

To Live Or Remain Numb

     The confusion you caused, the words that paused, frozen in time. make me wanna die, the words you said, remain in my head, but you waited till we were alone, inside my safe house, my home, to hurt me so, such a painful blow. My mind is gone, I'm a void, a blonde, may the tears be drowned out, when the music's heart is poured out, changing my thoughts throughout, my emotions in this drought, I want you back, but it'll hurt me more, you're like a tack, and you've stuck me, so what to do, leave you behind, on continue as I should?
     To live or remain numb?
That is the question.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


Titan Maxtint [(Max-st-int)  Like sextant but with max instead.]
Nickname: Ti
16 Years 5' 11" 150lbs.
Relation: Spence Darkfire
Birthday: Jan 9
Grade: 10th
Schedule: 1. P.E. (Lifeguard Training) 2. Engineering II 3. Chemistry 4. Adv. English II 5. Spanish I 6. Algebra II/Trig 7. Ap European History

Spence Darkfire
Nickname: Bones
16 Years 5' 11" 150lbs
Relation: Titan Maxtint
Birthday: Nov 28
Grade; 10th
Schedule: 1. P.E.(Aerobics) 2. English II 3. French II 4. Living by Chemistry 5. Geometry 6. Modern World History 7. Elective Unknown

Gibran Isaacs
Nickname: Gib
15 Years 5' 4" 120lbs
Relation: Pandora Atrum
Birthday: Jun 10
Grade: 10th
Schedule: 1. P.E. (Aerobics) 2. Drafting II 3. French II 4. Adv. English II 5. Geometry 6. Living by Chemistry 7. Modern World History

Pandora Atrum
Nickname: Pan
19 Years 5' 8" 160lbs
Relation: Gibran Isaacs
Birthday: Dec 1
Grade: Freshman in College
Schedule: Classes from 9:00 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. Work from 5:30 P.M. to 7:30 P.M. (Souplantation)